Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Grain dojo, you really can streaking far?

2007 is a year of frenzied instant noodles, some time ago due to rising raw material costs, the domestic prices of instant noodles were simultaneously challenged the public and the Development and Reform Commission's investigation of the industry's alternative brand - stick fight by playing out of Bao-Guo Chen - Main "non-fried" The temple is at the cusp of grain: financial chain is short, and more out of stock market, affected the normal production of some grains temple employee turnover pay talks ...... storm of this accident The crux of what, the next they should do?

Now sorely lacking is money!

"We are medium-sized enterprises in doing something big." Wangzhong Wang (grain temple parent company of Beijing Wang Investment Group Company Ltd.), told reporters that at present we have invested 470 million yuan, "only ad spending 170 million yuan . " "Instant noodle sales reached 100 million ~ 300 million yuan will break even. This year in August 'grains temple' will be able to break even." He is based on the May "grain temple" selling 30 million yuan, in June for the 51 million yuan, in July is expected to reach 80 million yuan, December sales are expected to reach 250 million yuan.

Wangzhong Wang said, "grain, Dojo," "Non-fried instant noodle production line this year from the current eight to 32", "Next year will increase to 48." Wangzhong Wang told reporters, admits: "I am sorely lacking is money." Wangzhong Wang told reporters, "In the 'grain temples' Under the impact of instant noodles in the first half of this year sales have dropped 6 billion yuan, before the companies start selling off-season was 75 %, in February this year after never too busy, operation rate of only 45%. "

Estimate of the market is really such as Wang Zhongwang so optimistic about this?

Non-fried "ceiling"

Grains is the main temple of "non-fried", in the end the domestic market of non-fried instant noodle market is how much?

Or let us look at the consumers view on the grain temple bar. "Non-fried instant noodles taste better than fried on, and water immersion time longer than fried. Everyone knows that fried on health is not good, but the grain temple is not good, how would you say that consumers choice? "an industry expert to ask.

Non-domestic consumers in a process of deep-fried food, especially in the face of tradition. Domestic market more than 90% of instant noodles are fried, and we used to eat, wanted another taste of the public requires a long process, not three to five years can become. The concept of innovation grain temple, in addition to making it a pioneer in the industry, the more likely it is to become the industry martyrs. Abroad is not the mainstream of non-fried instant noodles occupied. In the birthplace of instant noodles in Japan, non-fried instant noodles after 30 years of development, but also only accounted for 15% of Japanese instant noodle market. The fact that non-fried instant noodles is a type of instant noodles, instant noodles are not fried alternative.

One side is not optimistic about the market demand can be blind, crazy side is similar to business expansion, where we see aggressive growth in previous years, many domestic enterprises in the Land of the Dead Road, which is precisely what the storm's disease grain temple festival located. If the grain temple can not "mirror", then life is not anything unexpected return their lives new

How to get out puzzle

1, take the initiative to admit error, to fight the initiative. In the event of unexpected crises, corporate parties to show sincerity and take the initiative to admit mistakes, to gain access in the shortest period of time the initiative to resolve the incident. Aspects of the current grain temple also has the initiative, although no official press statement, but the person in charge or recognize "the company has been active in coordinating settlement, there is no malicious intention of arrears."

Through this, on the one hand we can see the attitude of grain temple, on the other hand we can see that grain temple in crisis management ignorance! No official statement in the premise, saying the officers at random, is likely to become the focus of media attention, which of the development is very negative. In addition, many employees leave pay talks may be chasing an interview with the media object, the result is clearly negative temples of crops. In this situation, grain temple should be released as soon as an official statement on the incident in order to avoid gossip in the numerous reports from various quarters.

2, shrinking front. From late 2005 to early 2007, the Wong Group all the focus on expanding investment scale, from the Beijing-based production to Jilin, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Guangdong-based companies have Wang completed and commissioned, due to expansion and continuation of the advertising expenditures and research and development costs of new products and other intensive use, there has been financial constraint.

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Monday, October 11, 2010

Baidu Lotte joint venture Formation of landed four domestic B2C

April 22 message, in the intense preparation for more than three months later, the closely watched joint venture Baidu Lotte landing in Tongzhou, Baidu Mr. Xuyang Ren, vice president of joint venture company with people who attend the admission ceremony, a village of Huang.

It also means following Taobao, Suning and other giant, the forces of another large influx of Internet B2C field, the field of four major domestic B2C model also has this shape.

Tongzhou settled in the joint venture model with B2B2C

Co-operation from the beginning to the floor, Baidu Lotte cooperation entered a substantive stage in less than three months.

January 27, Baidu announced Lotte Japan injected 50 million U.S. dollars joint venture company formed and will be available within a year e-commerce site. Of these, Lotte 51% of the shares owned a controlling stake in the joint venture, holds the remaining 49% stake in Baidu.

April 1, Lotte within the company announced the appointment of Akira Nakamura, a joint venture company as Baidu optimistic people, and at the same time as the president of Lotte China Post. Artesyn Technologies exclusively informed, Koichi Nakamura has come to China not long ago, he and Baidu executives were at the admission ceremony for the joint venture - this is Akira Nakamura, a first public appearance in China this weekend, Koichi Nakamura, also rushed to Shenzhen for a B2C Forum.

According to informed sources, Baidu will copy the Lotte Lotte Japan joint venture business model, using B2B2C model. Joint venture charges, there are three main methods: direct charge to the business settled and information services costs, advertising costs and provide value-added services.

Among them, the joint venture company to absorb the informal businesses to enter, to help SMEs to do e-commerce, and to provide information services to receive part of the costs; by merchants on the site location and in the search process to provide auction services in the way of access to advertising; other joint venture Companies can also pay for goods and logistics part of a gain.

It is reported that Japan's Lotte was founded in 1997, is the world's B2C "platform model" of the pioneer and leader, until now, in Japan, has more than 30,000 regular commercial brands and channels to engage in Lotte B2C e-commerce trading platform, now part of the proceeds has been advertising its total revenue accounted for half.

In fact, the joint Baidu is not the first time Japan's Lotte layout in the Chinese market. Back in June 2004, Lotte hoped that through the investment into China's Internet travel market Ctrip, but in holding Ctrip 3 years, Lotte selected a high exit.

Lotte in Japan for the joint, Baidu said looking forward. Mr. Xuyang Ren had said in March this year, B2C e-commerce strategy is the focus of the next Baidu. If all goes well, Baidu Lotte B2C website can be the fastest on the line this year in July.

Four patterns of domestic confrontation between B2C

The joint venture company Baidu Lotte floor also means that, following Taobao, Suning, Jingdong three B2C model, the domestic B2C market, finally forming the fourth largest model.

However, before landing in Lotte, the former model has their own account for three advantages: portability Taobao C2C fought by the mass users B2C, has launched Taobao Taobao Mall and Circuit City; Suning retail giant Tesco launched a high profile deployment of the network home shopping market power, occupy traditional advantages; Jingdong Mall received 150 million U.S. dollars while venture, is staking their claims across the country.

B2C market veteran, sent on behalf of the network president, Xing Kong Sports to Artesyn Technologies said that the current Taobao, Jingdong, Baidu joint venture with Suning these four models can be summarized into two categories, in essence, Baidu Lotte joint venture with Taobao belongs to a class , were playing in business platform and sellers play a role in between. Suning and Jingdong belong to another model, are purchasing their own office from the manufacturer, with its own logistics, warehousing and other systems.

Xing Kong education that Baidu Taobao joint venture with the only difference is that the latter may be more stringent on the sellers, location is more detailed. In his view, Baidu Lotte joint venture on a temporary floor had no effect on the domestic B2C market.

"The whole market has entered the Competition B2C power stage, a large structure will be formed, but in order to speed-based models and pure B2C model based on traditional channels to the final contest will be staged."

Xing Yu appears in the hole, B2C next pattern change will occur in these two years, the traditional channels will probably occupy 70% of the B2C market share, pure B2C business occupies the other 30% share.

Lei Xu Jingdong Mall vice president, said, B2C market, ushering in a new entrant to the sophist who are no effects, the B2C market is enormous and rapid advances. Baidu currently Lotte Jingdong on understanding the joint venture are not many still focus their efforts to improve their services, brand and size.

According to CNNIC statistics, in 2009 the scale of China's online shopping market reached 248.35 billion yuan trading, up 93.7%, expected size of 2013, net purchase transactions expected to exceed 1 trillion yuan.

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