Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Grain dojo, you really can streaking far?

2007 is a year of frenzied instant noodles, some time ago due to rising raw material costs, the domestic prices of instant noodles were simultaneously challenged the public and the Development and Reform Commission's investigation of the industry's alternative brand - stick fight by playing out of Bao-Guo Chen - Main "non-fried" The temple is at the cusp of grain: financial chain is short, and more out of stock market, affected the normal production of some grains temple employee turnover pay talks ...... storm of this accident The crux of what, the next they should do?

Now sorely lacking is money!

"We are medium-sized enterprises in doing something big." Wangzhong Wang (grain temple parent company of Beijing Wang Investment Group Company Ltd.), told reporters that at present we have invested 470 million yuan, "only ad spending 170 million yuan . " "Instant noodle sales reached 100 million ~ 300 million yuan will break even. This year in August 'grains temple' will be able to break even." He is based on the May "grain temple" selling 30 million yuan, in June for the 51 million yuan, in July is expected to reach 80 million yuan, December sales are expected to reach 250 million yuan.

Wangzhong Wang said, "grain, Dojo," "Non-fried instant noodle production line this year from the current eight to 32", "Next year will increase to 48." Wangzhong Wang told reporters, admits: "I am sorely lacking is money." Wangzhong Wang told reporters, "In the 'grain temples' Under the impact of instant noodles in the first half of this year sales have dropped 6 billion yuan, before the companies start selling off-season was 75 %, in February this year after never too busy, operation rate of only 45%. "

Estimate of the market is really such as Wang Zhongwang so optimistic about this?

Non-fried "ceiling"

Grains is the main temple of "non-fried", in the end the domestic market of non-fried instant noodle market is how much?

Or let us look at the consumers view on the grain temple bar. "Non-fried instant noodles taste better than fried on, and water immersion time longer than fried. Everyone knows that fried on health is not good, but the grain temple is not good, how would you say that consumers choice? "an industry expert to ask.

Non-domestic consumers in a process of deep-fried food, especially in the face of tradition. Domestic market more than 90% of instant noodles are fried, and we used to eat, wanted another taste of the public requires a long process, not three to five years can become. The concept of innovation grain temple, in addition to making it a pioneer in the industry, the more likely it is to become the industry martyrs. Abroad is not the mainstream of non-fried instant noodles occupied. In the birthplace of instant noodles in Japan, non-fried instant noodles after 30 years of development, but also only accounted for 15% of Japanese instant noodle market. The fact that non-fried instant noodles is a type of instant noodles, instant noodles are not fried alternative.

One side is not optimistic about the market demand can be blind, crazy side is similar to business expansion, where we see aggressive growth in previous years, many domestic enterprises in the Land of the Dead Road, which is precisely what the storm's disease grain temple festival located. If the grain temple can not "mirror", then life is not anything unexpected return their lives new

How to get out puzzle

1, take the initiative to admit error, to fight the initiative. In the event of unexpected crises, corporate parties to show sincerity and take the initiative to admit mistakes, to gain access in the shortest period of time the initiative to resolve the incident. Aspects of the current grain temple also has the initiative, although no official press statement, but the person in charge or recognize "the company has been active in coordinating settlement, there is no malicious intention of arrears."

Through this, on the one hand we can see the attitude of grain temple, on the other hand we can see that grain temple in crisis management ignorance! No official statement in the premise, saying the officers at random, is likely to become the focus of media attention, which of the development is very negative. In addition, many employees leave pay talks may be chasing an interview with the media object, the result is clearly negative temples of crops. In this situation, grain temple should be released as soon as an official statement on the incident in order to avoid gossip in the numerous reports from various quarters.

2, shrinking front. From late 2005 to early 2007, the Wong Group all the focus on expanding investment scale, from the Beijing-based production to Jilin, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Guangdong-based companies have Wang completed and commissioned, due to expansion and continuation of the advertising expenditures and research and development costs of new products and other intensive use, there has been financial constraint.

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Monday, October 11, 2010

Baidu Lotte joint venture Formation of landed four domestic B2C

April 22 message, in the intense preparation for more than three months later, the closely watched joint venture Baidu Lotte landing in Tongzhou, Baidu Mr. Xuyang Ren, vice president of joint venture company with people who attend the admission ceremony, a village of Huang.

It also means following Taobao, Suning and other giant, the forces of another large influx of Internet B2C field, the field of four major domestic B2C model also has this shape.

Tongzhou settled in the joint venture model with B2B2C

Co-operation from the beginning to the floor, Baidu Lotte cooperation entered a substantive stage in less than three months.

January 27, Baidu announced Lotte Japan injected 50 million U.S. dollars joint venture company formed and will be available within a year e-commerce site. Of these, Lotte 51% of the shares owned a controlling stake in the joint venture, holds the remaining 49% stake in Baidu.

April 1, Lotte within the company announced the appointment of Akira Nakamura, a joint venture company as Baidu optimistic people, and at the same time as the president of Lotte China Post. Artesyn Technologies exclusively informed, Koichi Nakamura has come to China not long ago, he and Baidu executives were at the admission ceremony for the joint venture - this is Akira Nakamura, a first public appearance in China this weekend, Koichi Nakamura, also rushed to Shenzhen for a B2C Forum.

According to informed sources, Baidu will copy the Lotte Lotte Japan joint venture business model, using B2B2C model. Joint venture charges, there are three main methods: direct charge to the business settled and information services costs, advertising costs and provide value-added services.

Among them, the joint venture company to absorb the informal businesses to enter, to help SMEs to do e-commerce, and to provide information services to receive part of the costs; by merchants on the site location and in the search process to provide auction services in the way of access to advertising; other joint venture Companies can also pay for goods and logistics part of a gain.

It is reported that Japan's Lotte was founded in 1997, is the world's B2C "platform model" of the pioneer and leader, until now, in Japan, has more than 30,000 regular commercial brands and channels to engage in Lotte B2C e-commerce trading platform, now part of the proceeds has been advertising its total revenue accounted for half.

In fact, the joint Baidu is not the first time Japan's Lotte layout in the Chinese market. Back in June 2004, Lotte hoped that through the investment into China's Internet travel market Ctrip, but in holding Ctrip 3 years, Lotte selected a high exit.

Lotte in Japan for the joint, Baidu said looking forward. Mr. Xuyang Ren had said in March this year, B2C e-commerce strategy is the focus of the next Baidu. If all goes well, Baidu Lotte B2C website can be the fastest on the line this year in July.

Four patterns of domestic confrontation between B2C

The joint venture company Baidu Lotte floor also means that, following Taobao, Suning, Jingdong three B2C model, the domestic B2C market, finally forming the fourth largest model.

However, before landing in Lotte, the former model has their own account for three advantages: portability Taobao C2C fought by the mass users B2C, has launched Taobao Taobao Mall and Circuit City; Suning retail giant Tesco launched a high profile deployment of the network home shopping market power, occupy traditional advantages; Jingdong Mall received 150 million U.S. dollars while venture, is staking their claims across the country.

B2C market veteran, sent on behalf of the network president, Xing Kong Sports to Artesyn Technologies said that the current Taobao, Jingdong, Baidu joint venture with Suning these four models can be summarized into two categories, in essence, Baidu Lotte joint venture with Taobao belongs to a class , were playing in business platform and sellers play a role in between. Suning and Jingdong belong to another model, are purchasing their own office from the manufacturer, with its own logistics, warehousing and other systems.

Xing Kong education that Baidu Taobao joint venture with the only difference is that the latter may be more stringent on the sellers, location is more detailed. In his view, Baidu Lotte joint venture on a temporary floor had no effect on the domestic B2C market.

"The whole market has entered the Competition B2C power stage, a large structure will be formed, but in order to speed-based models and pure B2C model based on traditional channels to the final contest will be staged."

Xing Yu appears in the hole, B2C next pattern change will occur in these two years, the traditional channels will probably occupy 70% of the B2C market share, pure B2C business occupies the other 30% share.

Lei Xu Jingdong Mall vice president, said, B2C market, ushering in a new entrant to the sophist who are no effects, the B2C market is enormous and rapid advances. Baidu currently Lotte Jingdong on understanding the joint venture are not many still focus their efforts to improve their services, brand and size.

According to CNNIC statistics, in 2009 the scale of China's online shopping market reached 248.35 billion yuan trading, up 93.7%, expected size of 2013, net purchase transactions expected to exceed 1 trillion yuan.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Policy of spring

February 28, 2006, telecommunications development and policy briefing held the fourth consecutive year it is held open for trade policy briefing. MII vice minister, rate of Policy and Regulations Department, Comprehensive Planning Department, Technology Division, the Telecommunications Authority, Communication and Clearing, Radio Authority, the Personnel Division is responsible, as well as China Telecom, China Netcom, China Mobile, China Unicom , China Satcom, China Railcom's leadership to address the Council, details of China's telecommunications industry in 2006 the development of planning and work thinking, this issue, "News and Comment" version of this was the cover story.

February 22, digital audio and video Coding Standard Working Group (AVS Working Group) received the Standardization Administration of Science and Technology Division Ministry of Information Industry issued a notice, "information technology, advanced audio and video coding Part II: Video" has been approved , on March 1, 2006 into effect. AVS on my digital audio and video industries with fundamental significance, the most direct results of the industrialization of the next 10 years, our country needs hundreds of millions of decoder chip, the most direct benefit is to save billions of dollars each year, royalties, so much concern . February 28, by the Ministry of Information Industry, the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Commerce, Customs General Administration, SAIC, AQSIQ, SEPA jointly developed the "Electronic Information Product Pollution Control Regulations," was formally promulgated and will be March 1, 2007 implementation. This month's "News and Comment" edition gave a detailed report.

March 3, the opening of the Fourth Session of the Tenth CPPCC National Committee; March 5, the opening of the Fourth Session of the Tenth National People's Congress. Two in-depth newspaper sent a reporter to cover the event, will be the next focus of two reports and the information industry-related proposals and issues.

Once, in the domestic software development project, is a personal hero played the leading role of a technical elite to create a number of representative software products. With the constantly increasing size of software project, participants increased, and increasingly stringent regulatory requirements, therefore, become very important to software project management. This month's "Technology and Application" version of the Organization's technical topic "software" closely linked to the theme of software project management, analysis software, project management confusion and gains and losses, to explore the future direction and trends.

In addition, the current "technology and application" of the "application of the investigation" column, especially after the launch of two exclusive in-depth interviews, written articles, one "fingerprint Bank on" view of the current access control systems, attendance systems, fingerprint lock fingerprint mobile phone, fingerprint U disk and other widely used fingerprint recognition technology, analysis of the current application of our fingerprint identification constraints and market realities. Second, "the new face of the network and the old police Dilemma", in Shenzhen City police launch virtual network, for example, of the increasingly frequent in the punishment of cyber crime, maintaining social harmony virtual exploration done and the difficulties faced.

3G (third generation mobile communication technology) related to the topic has touched the hearts of countless people. With the gradually toward commercialization of 3G, 3G technology in the future evolution of the world are more and more attention, more and more countries into future mobile communication system in an attempt to seek conceptual and technical innovations and breakthroughs , so that wireless communications capacity and speed have increased tenfold or even hundredfold. 3G LTE (3G Long Term Evolution) technology, then came into being. This month's "product and market" version of "communications market" part special report on "3G LTE technology" series of articles to help readers understand the details of super-3G.

The vast number of users, the set of phone calls, take pictures, personal business calendar, send and receive e-mail, listen to music and other functions into one smart handheld devices, is undoubtedly essential to the life of today's modern equipment. So, you select the smart phone or PDA? Mainstream products currently on the market characteristics of each with what? Purchase how the memory card should be considered? What price status of smart handheld devices? This month's "product and market" version of "product theme" part of a group of articles to answer these questions.

Newly sprung spring, the entire information industry is also bathed in the spring in the policy.

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

"Staying Princess" mercenary information finished

袗谐胁邪褉械褋 Agvares

High society of the devil, well-known founder of the ball.

Capacity building: +100% female unit attack

Equipment field: weapons, dress / suit of armor, gloves / belt, Treasure

Where: 楔械褌械褉褉邪 Sheterra (HITLER)

Severance costs: 30000 money

Capacity: in the dialogue interface can select a unit gain 10 attack and defense bonus and the ability to choose a

- 2 speed

- Unlimited counter

- Attack the enemy fire (can burn overlapped)

- Attack enemy vampire (not resurrection)

Select the unit from the Agvares control and restricted to men illegal division of mankind. Each of mental fatigue using a Agvares rose 100%, and in each subsequent battle back 10-15%. Means that war can be reused 7-10.

袚邪褍写懈 Gaudi

Eagle eyes of young, bright and committed advocate elimination of the devil.

Capacity building: Union forces attacking demons and the souls of the rate doubled when the explosion hit

Equipment field: weapons, armor, gloves / shield, royal flag

Where: 袘械蟹褘屑褟薪薪褘泄 Unnamed (unknown land)

Severance costs: 25% of the money

Capacity: Knight Rider upgrade sanctification (100 gold / person) holy priest upgrade CD (25 gold / person)

袛卸懈屑 袣褉邪褍写 Jim Kraud

Once handsome man, but because of scar and disfigurement.

Capacity building: a variety of pirates, thieves and the Sea Monsters +1 speed and morale.

Equipment field: weapons, armor, shoes, Treasure / royal flag

Where: 袗谢褘泄 袙械褌械褉 scarlet Wind (Scarlet Wind)

Severance costs: take away the arms.

Ability: the pirates and robbers train upgrade (respectively 7 Gold / person with 5 gold / person)

Special events: the goddess in the game if the blood was allowed to remove scar and can regain her beauty and access to the following new features:

- 700 Leadership

- Equipment field becomes: weapons, dress / suit of armor, shoes, treasure.

袦芯褉芯薪 袛邪褉泻 Moron Dark

Has sold the soul of the soul to the Dark Knight. In order to purify their soul, struggling with evil.

Capacity building: +3 attack. Dead morale +1

Equipment field: weapons, armor, helmet, royal flag / belt

Where: 协谢芯薪邪 Elon (Aron)

Severance costs: None (except he is equipment items)


1 (Dark Force> 0) can upgrade into a Skull Archer Skeleton Warrior (5 Gold / person) into a Dark Knight Knight (50 gold / person)

(Dark Power = 0) can upgrade archers, infantry (5 Gold / person) The Dark Knight into a knight (50 gold / person)

2 Moron Dark through every battle to purify the forces of darkness (the initial 100).

-2, If the enemy forces with the devil

-3, If the enemy forces with dead

+1, With the souls of his troops

+1, With the devil's own forces,

Once reduced to 0 to always keep at 0

袦芯谢写芯泻 Moldok

Some simple and too lazy to Orcs, to fill their stomachs with the princess chasing.

Capacity building: Orcs +1 initiative and speed

Equipment field: shield / weapon, shield, royal flag / belt, treasure.

Where: 校蟹邪谢邪 Uzala (Wuzha La) will be asked to recruit heroes ask for money 1000

Severance costs: 1000X Employment Date

Capacity: Moldok would take away half the prize, and filled in the next battle back to anger. This ability to mobilize every 8-15 random battle.

孝褉懈谐谐械褉 Trigger

Promising young engineer, inventor of Sight.

Capacity building: most of the remote units + X% crit rate

Equipment field: weapons, helmets, gloves / belts, shoes

Where: 孝褝泻褉芯薪 (袘芯谢褜褕芯泄 泻邪薪邪谢) Tekron (Grand Canal) railway empty (Grand Canal)

Severance costs: 20% of the money

Capacity: X value of sub-4, respectively (10/15/20/25), 4 pm, Big Master, Druid, Necro shamans can get bonus, but the relative alchemist, Cyclops, the dwarf Addition of the remote robot will lose.

1: the time of recruitment

2: 34 self-recruited from the war

Level 3: an additional 50 combat

4: 100 Crystal

协谢械薪褏械谢 Elenhel

Attend Mystic wizard wizard.

Capability: Intelligence +4

Equipment field: gloves / shield, skirt, royal flag / belt, treasure.

Where: 袙械褉芯薪邪 Verona (Verona) take 20 points or more intellectual

Severance costs: 5000 Money


A back full of magic. Cool 5 times fighting each use.

230 was a world war scroll. When recruitment was one of every 30 successful war will report on production of a scroll.

40 and the battle more than 10 games, Elenhel will be asked to leave the princess would go to war if not accept, always follow the Princess after victory.


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Thursday, July 15, 2010

I think the JSP problem (on)

(Editor's Note: the original version of this article first appeared in a foreign country, JSP is only one kind of technology was emerging, and this appears to be rising as it is now. Now it seems some of the views of this article may have some limitations, But I have to admit that this is a very atmospheric work, which involves many internal principles of JSP. So, I think it is necessary to introduce to you this article to you from another perspective, a better understanding of JSP technology. )

Now every developer using servlets know JSP, a kind of building on top of the servlet technology invented by Sun and spend a lot of energy to the implementation of web technology. JSP to servlet in the html code out of them, which can speed up application development and web page maintenance. In fact, the official release from the Sun, "Application Development Model" document on the right farther: "JSP technology should be regarded as standard, while servlets in most cases can be considered as a supplement. "

This article will compare the JSP and servlets technology on the other: template engines (template engine).

The problem directly with Servlets

When Servlets been invented, the whole world to see its advantages. Servlet-based dynamic web page can be quickly implemented to allow for easy transfer between multiple servers and can be seamlessly integrated and database, it is widely accepted as a kind of Servlets web server platform of choice.

However, usually can be achieved by simple means html code to now allow programmers out.println () call to each line HTML line, which in the actual Servlet application to become a serious problem. HTML content had to be achieved through the code, which for large HTML page is nothing more than an onerous and time-consuming work. In addition, the staff responsible for Web content developers have requested to carry out all the updates. To this end, the search for this a better solution.

JSP birth

JSP 0.90 was born. In this technique you can embed Java code to the HTML file, the server automatically as the page to create a Servlet. JSP is considered a way to write a simple Servlet. All HTML can be without going through the out.println () call, the staff responsible for the content of the page can modify the HTML and Java code without taking the risk of damage.

However, having artists and developers working on the same file is not ideal, so that embedded HTML Java proved to be just like the HTML embedded in Java as embarrassing. Read a bunch of messy code remains a difficult task.

So, people are becoming mature in the use jsp, greater use of JavaBeans. Beans contain the business logic required jsp code. JSP Most of the code can be taken out into the bean and going, leaving only the few markers for calling bean.

Recently, people began to think this way the JSP page is really very much like a view (view). They become a client requests the results used to display components. So people will think, why not send the request directly to view it? Objective view, if the request inappropriate? After all, a lot of requests for a variety of possible views to get the results view. For example, the request may have the same success page, a database exception error report, or the lack of parameters of the error report. The same request may have an English page may be Spanish pages, depending on the client's locale. Why does the client must send the request directly to the view? Why should not the client requests sent to a number of common server components and allow the server to determine the JSP view of the return?

This makes a lot of people accept has been called "Model 2" design, which is defined in the JSP 0.92 based on model-view-controller model. In this design, the request is sent to a servlet controller, it performs the business logic and data to produce a similar "model" to for display. This data is then sent through an internal JSP "view" to be displayed, so that looks like a normal JSP page embedded in the JavaBean. Responsible for the control of the servlet according to the internal logic to select the appropriate JSP page to display. This, JSP file into a nice template view. This is another development, and is being praised by some other developer has.

Into the Template Engines

If you use a template engine instead of the usual purpose of the JSP, the design goes on will become simple, the syntax simpler, more readable error messages, tools, and more customization. Some companies have done this engine, the most famous may be WebMacro, their engine is free of charge.

Developers should understand, select a template engine to replace the JSP provides the following technical advantages, which also is the inadequacy of jsp:

Problem # 1: Java code template of a too

Although the design is considered bad, JSP Java code is still trying to join the web page. Here are some like Java have done, namely, simplified C + +, modify, template engines also through jsp in the lower layer of the source removed to make simplified. The Template engines to implement a better design.

Problem # 2: Request to write Java code

Required in the JSP page write Java code. For example, suppose a page to determine the root of the current web application context to guide their home, the best in the JSP using the following Java code:

Home page

You can try to avoid the Java code, the use of tags, but this will give you a string of difficult to read as follows:

/ Index.html "> HomePage

Use template engine is no Java code and ugly syntax. This is the same request in written in WebMacro:

Home page

In WebMacro in, ContextPath $ Request variable as a property, use syntax similar to Perl. Other template engines use the syntax of other types.

Look at another example, suppose an advanced "view" needs to set a cookie to record the user default color scheme - a task looks around, not only by the view servlet controller. To have this in the JSP in the Java code:

In WebMacro in no Java code:

# Set $ Cookie.colorscheme = "blue"

As a final example, if, again, get back in the original color profile cookie. For the JSP, we can consider that there is a corresponding utility class to provide help because with getCookies () directly so that lower level become ridiculous and difficult. In the JSP in:

In WebMacro not on the tools need to, usually:

$ Cookie.colorscheme.Value

The need to write jsp graphical interface designers, which grammar is easier to learn?

JSP 1.1 introduces the custom tag (custom tags) and to allow arbitrary HTML tags similar to the background in the JSP page implementation of Java code, which will have some value, but only known to have a broad, full-featured, can obtain free, standardized tag library. There is no such a tag library.

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